Let's go TQ Racing
Three Quarter Midgets (TQs) are like pocket rockets on four wheels and provide some of the closest wheel to wheel action you'll see anywhere.
- Race at Western Springs Speedway
- Low running costs - around $350 a meeting
- Easy to run and minimal crew needed
- Fast and competitive class
- Lots of meetings from October to May
- Great family based class
The best way to find out about TQs and racing is to come along to a race night or Club night, talk to the people there and look at the various TQs currently running. See the racing calendar for events.
Buying a TQ Midget
The most popular option currently in TQs is Chain drive with a Suzuki GSXR 750 watercooled engine. This option requires that the engine be standard, self starting and able to be driven onto the track under its own power. This also is the lowest maintenance option.
A competitive used TQ will set you back around $20,000 as a basic package. Check out used TQs for sale on Trademe and Speedway / Open Wheel Buy and Sell pages on Facebook
The best advice about buying a used TQ can be obtained from the other drivers or vehicle checkers who have inspected the TQ regularly.
Here are some pre-inspection tips to ensure you get value for money:
• Do not under any circumstance buy a car sight unseen.
• Get someone experienced to check over the TQ with you.
• Make sure you fit comfortably in the TQ, or that it can be made to fit.
• Ask to see the grey Speedway NZ logbook.
• Research a fair price
• Ask others how the vehicle has performed (including reliability),
and whether the advertised price is fair.
• Confirm what, if any, spare parts the TQ comes with.
• Make sure you can arrange or have a trailer the TQ will fit on.
What else will I need?
Driver Safety gear
- There are many options with different shops and brands. A basic kit would be $2000.
- Safety gear needs to include race suit, boots, gloves, head and neck restraint (HANS), balaclava, arm restraints and helmet as a minimum.
Transponder - for lap timing and scoring
- MyLaps Transponder - Can be purchased second hand or from Speedway NZ
Licences and Club memberships
- Speedway NZ Adult licence $320 online at www.speedway.co.nz
- Auckland TQ Midget club - Competitor membership $60
- Western Springs Drivers Club and Track series fees may also be added to your licence.
How do I get my car checked before the season?
Your TQ will need a Comprehensive Vehicle Inspection(CVI), also known as green sheeting, before you come to the race track.
Contact us for ATQMA organised dates and contact details of the vehicle checker.
I am all set to go racing what now?
- Each meeting you will need to let the rep know you are coming usually on the Sunday before the meeting otherwise you will not get a grid.
- All new competitors are required to go through the SNZ Mentor Programme before racing. This involves racing a minimum of three meets at your contracted club and answering some simple questions relating to the Rules and Regulations. You will be observed while driving your TQ by a SNZ rep and will be required to start off the rear of the field whilst you are in the Mentor Programme.
Any more questions contact us - we are here to help
Want to get involved in another way ?
- Crew on a TQ Midget
- TQ Midget Handicapper, Vehicle checker or Drivers rep
- Volunteer for a position at Western Springs
Contact the committee with your details and we will point you in the right direction
Speedway NZ's Guide to getting into Speedway as an official is here